The Open Banking Committee performs the following duties:
The Information Systems Committee fulfills the following duties:
The Security Committee performs the following duties:
The Law and Legislation Committee fulfills the following duties:
The Compliance Committee fulfills the following duties:
The CombatingIllegal Activities Committee fulfills the following duties:
Carrying out all kinds of activities necessary to ensure the most effective fight against the use of payment services and electronic money issuance activities in illegal processes, within the scope of these procedures and principles.
The Revenue Administration (GİB) Working Group is involved in communication and coordination processes with the relevant authorities by carrying out respective works in order to follow the Revenue Administration – RA (GİB) legislation, to clarify the hesitations on the subject and to increase sectoral standardization.
In order to produce sustainable solutions for the qualified human resources needs of the sector, Human Resources Working Group works on determining the training strategies for the sector, shaping the training and similar activities to be carried out by the Association in parallel with the sectoral needs, and developing intra-sectoral or inter-sectoral collaborations and national/international projects in the field of training.
The QR Code Working Group carries out studies to follow the development and current legislation of payment methods with TR QR code, to develop and implement solutions for the determination and satisfying the needs in this process.
The Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) Working Group carries out activities for informing and raising awareness within the scope of the KVKK legislation and ensuring uniformity in sectoral practices.
The FCIB (MASAK) Working Group conducts information sharing and awareness raising activities within the scope of the FCIB legislation, carries out activities to develop implementation standards and takes part in communication and coordination processes with the relevant public institutions.
In order to produce sustainable solutions for the protection of awareness and reputation of the sector, the Media and Communication Working Group works on the determination of communication needs, models and strategies; shaping the digital, visual and print media activities to be carried out by the Association in parallel with these objectives as well as developing and executing communication activities and projects.
The Accounting and Reporting Working Group carries out works to ensure uniformity in practice by eliminating hesitations in the field of accounting and reporting, and ensures the development of the solutions for eliminating the problems experienced in the relevant processes.
The POS Working Group carries out works for improving legal and technical processes in POS services and developing collaborations by exchanging views with relevant institutions and organizations.
Develops a sectoral strategy and action plan and carries out work on the implementation of this plan in order to ensure sectoral sustainable development by ensuring the integration of the sector's products, services and organizations with the "Global Goals for Sustainable Development" ("SDG").